Our Mission & Core Values

The Mission of Christopher Academy is to support the development of the full potential of the child by serving individual needs, fostering independence and protecting the social consciousness within an environment which celebrates a love of learning.

Our Mission Img 1 Christopher Academy Nj

To support the development of the full potential of the child…

  • Classroom Areas – Practical Life, Sensorial, Cultural, Language, Math
  • Full-day, half-day and part-week programs
  • Development appropriate holistic curriculum

By serving individual needs…

  • Individualized curriculum based on social, academic and cognitive development
  • Individualized planning
  • Adaptable curriculum

Fostering Independence…

  • Focus on developing life skills

  • Individual work cycles

  • Strong study skills

  • Leadership opportunities

And protecting the social consciousness…

  • Grace and Courtesy

  • Respect of others and their individual needs

  • Large and small group dynamics

  • Mentoring

  • Peace Education

Within an environment which celebrates a love of learning…

  • Specially-educated teachers

  • Freedom of movement

  • Freedom of speech

  • Low teacher-child ratio

Core Values

Having served our community since 1963, Christopher Academy has developed a system of core values that are anchored in the Montessori philosophy of education and the spirit of the best welfare for the child. 

Christopher Academy is proud of its exceptional learning environment, carefully tailored to each individual child. Our students enjoy a prepared environment designed to recognize and propel each child to learn, to grow, to achieve at the most appropriate pace to the best of his or her own ability. 

Centered in the Montessori philosophy of peace and understanding of the child, our core values are: Respect, Care, Excellence, Individuality, and Responsibility. 

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We respect the child and each member of our community as a gift to us. We have an understanding of the relationship of the child not only to us, but also to all others in his or her life and all of the other happenings in his or her life. We respect parents’ concerns about their child and we provide an environment that follows our philosophy while understanding the concerns of parents for the child.

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Every person in our community will have special needs at different times. We respond with compassion and understanding to the needs of all in our community – the children, parents, and our co-workers.  Understanding a situation often requires care, but if action is needed, we provide that action.

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We strive to attain high standards of performance and proficiency in all our educational actions and classroom environments. Our classrooms are filled with the best materials available to ensure for the best development of every child. Our teachers will be constant learners of new techniques and understanding of scientific studies.

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We believe in an atmosphere of order and beauty, which allows each individual to strive to his or her fullest potential. No two children are alike, and we must nurture that individuality. We will never compare, but we must provide for the individual’s needs within our own abilities.

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We understand that we are responsible for our individual actions and how these actions affect others’ ability to act. We are especially responsible to ensure that all our core values are part of our everyday life. We do not watch our clock hours but rather the time needed to do every task well.